Gathering & Presentation of Solutions with Influencers

(Presenting the Present)
Every Month's 1st Thursday, 12:00 –16:00 Global Time
Online, from the Comfort of Your Surrounding
(Just get Present)
Gathering Solutions on Transformation, Development, Collaboration, Value Communication, Digitalization, Spiritual Preservation
Free Live Pre-Invitation Presentation of Solutions for you to overcome Challenges of Coming Times, Preserve Old-School, Develop the Gold-School, and make the World Vibe as a Better Place in a Better Space. See what you can give and receive ↓ .
How, why, when and where the Gathering goes
Together we will look at current blocking Challenges, bring up all sorts of Solutions – Full/Absolute/Wholesome/Holistic/Complete – and join hands to collaborate for greater Outcomes.
See who is invited ↓ .
See what to expect ↓ .
Current state overview, Envisions and Values in Mind
What's going on globally and locally, what to expect and what to inspect, who can help and how, what you can give and receive.
Introducing the New Connections and Connected Solutions
We'll connect:
– Schools, Teachers, Studios and Centers ←⦿→ with Hi-class Influencers, Endorsers, Investors, ←⦿→ with Promoters, Publishers, Network Managers and global Facilitators – for Connected give-and-receive Solutions like: Transformation, Investment & Development, Knowledge-Skills-Experience-Wisdom Collaboration, Individual & Collective Value Communication, Digitalization with Spiritual Preservation, … and so much more!
New Connections and New Solutions – Live, Conscious, Holistic and Meaningful
Our Gatherings always flow in beautiful streams of freely shared good energies and meaningful vibes,
opening current themes of shared problems and solutions to give and receive – between pre-invited participants and collaborators. See who is invited ↓ .

Mind you, All Free of Cost and full of Charge!
Who will be present
We work hard every day to make life of our clients better and happier
High-rank, High-Influence Endorsers
High Commission Officials, Board Directors & Heads, Authority Influence Representatives, Global Network Handlers, …
Public & Official Ambassadors
Indian & International Ambassadors, Public Speakers closely associated with Official Embassies
Experienced Marketologists
Marketing Executives and Seniors with 10+ years of experience to advice on custom, exclusive Solutions.
International Interest Investors
Individual Investment Angels, Investment groups & Agencies with deep interest in Indian Culture International Ambassadors representing the vibing fields of Yoga, Ayurveda, Jyotish, Veda and overall immersive Bharat Culture worldwide.
Media Influencers
Media Network Owners & Decision-makers, International Project Directors, Education/Eco-Tourism/Health-Wellness/Public Relations & Publicity Influencers, …
Specialists & Activists
Tech Specialists, Campaigners, Active Promoters and Value Communicators from across the Globe.
Как это было
Занятия по живописи проходят в просторной и светлой студии в центре Санкт-Петербурга
Photo by Marion
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Mike
Photo by Jacob
Reviews of Goals and Outcomes
  • Я ходила на мастер-классы Александры уже 3 раза, и каждый раз узнаю что-то новое и интересное! Мне очень нравится, как она преподносит теорию и помогает развить индивидуальный стиль.
    Валентина Гешева
  • Недавно сходил на мастер-класс по живописи с Александрой Плефановой и остался очень доволен. Я никогда до этого не рисовал, но благодаря помощи и советам Александры у меня получилась довольно приличная работа.
    Петр Ческов
  • Друзья подарили подарочный сертификат на посещение мастер-класса по современной живописи. Сначала я подумала, что мне это не подходит, но в итоге была очень впечатлена и рада, что сходила. Думаю, что еще вернусь :)
    Арина Поленко
  • Я занимаюсь живописью уже несколько лет, решил сходить на этот мастер-класс, потому что мне его советовали многие друзья. В итоге совершенно не пожалел и узнал несколько новых важных моментов. Спасибо!
    Кирилл Печалин
Invite to share the Value
Know someone who can benefit from this gathering?
Feel like presenting something of high value?
Present the gift of Invitation to someone special
or let us know about them.
Questions and Answers
If you have unresolved questions, you can ask and get response over email at or phone call/message us at
+1 123 456 78 90
Gathering & Presentation of Solutions with Influencers
Every Month's 1st Thursday | 12:00 – 14:00 and onwards | Live Online
By pressing the Join button, you agree to Personal Data Processing Policy and Privacy Policy.
To join the Gathering, fill up the form above or contact us using the contacts below.
+1 123 456 78 90